Small Steps, Big Results – Sitecore For Newbies Recap

Embarking on the journey of becoming a proficient Sitecore developer may seem like a hard task. However, by breaking down the learning process into manageable steps, you can pave the way for substantial growth.

Throughout the year, I’ve created a series of videos called [Sitecore For Newbies] containing five short videos with less than 7 min each, and if you watched all of them, you’d have learned 27 tips. WOW! 🤯

🚀 That’s the way to go! Let’s recap them!

Understanding what the Recycle Bin is, can save you from unintended consequences. Sitecore keeps your item in a trash can, as Windows does. So you can recover it easily. Learn how to efficiently manage deleted items and recover them when needed.

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Sometimes I get lost when I’m scrolling down/up the screen looking for a specific field. Well, with the Fields list, you can find it easier. In an item, there’s a “Yellow Book” icon on the right top next to the Language button. When you click on it, it opens a pop-up with a search in the top and the fields below.

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Would you like to know who’s using a specific template, layout, or rendering? This is possible by looking at the Links section.

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Are you wondering if your patch files were applied? You can check it by going to the /sitecore/admin/showconfig.aspx. This internal website shows you a compilation of all the configs. So, if your config appears there it means that it was applied.

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Unlock the Developer Tab, where various tools and features can help you streamline your development workflow. By default, this is a hidden tab and you can simply unlock it by Right-clicking in the Ribbon and selecting “Developer“. After it’s enabled, it shows a few features, like Serialize and Reindex items.

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If you’re in the Content Editor there’s no need to exit it and go to the Admin Tool to rebuild the index. Within the Developer tab you find options to Rebuild the Index, Rebuild Tree and other. This is good save timer!

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I’m a big fan of Desktop Mode because it unlocks many hidden features. So I strongly recommend using this mode. For example, the Desktop Mode improves your work as it allows you to open many tabs at the same time. So you don’t need to close an item to open another one. It saves a lot of time. I always work in that mode.

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You should learn how to access the Web and Core databases. For example, in situations where you’re debugging an issue, it’s a good idea to check if your items were published. Also, is in the Core database where you change settings regarding Sitecore features and behaviors.

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Whether you’re troubleshooting or monitoring your Sitecore platform the logs always uncover valuable insights about your instance. This is the first place you go when you’re facing an issue.

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Packages allow you to import and export items through different instances. Even if you’re using a Serialization tool, such as Unicorn or TDS I recommend learning how it works.

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Ok, you already mastered how to use Package Designer, but do you know that SPE provides developers with a seamless and efficient approach to creating Sitecore packages in less than 1 minute? So, it’s time to learn it!

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SPE is amazing because you can have access to a huge list of ready-to-use reports about your Sitecore instance.

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In the above section we discussed about ready-to-use scripts, right? But you’re also allowed to create your own scripts to automate repetitive tasks and reduce manual effort. Automation is a key aspect of any developer’s toolkit, and SPE enables developers to create it.

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You created a Scheduled Task to meet the client’s requirement and now it’s time to test it, but don’t you know how to do it? SPE provides an alternative to help you testing it!

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Dealing with large media items in Sitecore can be a challenge when it comes to packaging and deployment. However, my module which was developed using SPE, can do this work for you!

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Every time I press a combination of buttons on my keyboard and it opens something on my screen I feel like I’m a hacker 😎, and Sitecore allows us to do it. But kidding aside, you can discover essential keyboard shortcuts to facilitate your Sitecore development tasks. There are at least 12 shortcuts that you must know!

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What is incredible is if you’re not happy with the OOTB Keyboard Shortcuts you can create your Shortcuts!

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The Quick Action Bar is a powerful tool that displays visual information about the items. This bar is placed on the left side of the Content Tree and contains information about Workflow, Broken Links, and more.

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Have you ever got lost when working with items in many nodes and levels? If you are used to Favorite websites in your browser, you can also try favoriting them in the Sitecore platform, so you have quick access to these items. I like to use it to save my time!

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You can locate easily icons with the website “ (developed by Gabriel Streza). This is a fantastic resource for Sitecore developers and content editors. This website provides an extensive library of Sitecore icons, making it easier to find the perfect icon for your content items, templates, and renderings.

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This is about searching items in the platform. There are many ways to do it and the most common is this one. The Content Editor has a search bar above the Content Tree and you can type a keywork and find an item. You’re also allowed to include criterias to refine your search.

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If you need a more advanced search, Sitecore are equipped with it. This search allows us to restrict the search for a specific node, use filters, and perform operation. Also, we can open many search tabs at the same time.

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Did you know that you can restrict your search just to the Media items? This is possible and it’s the same as the ‘General Search in the Content Editor’ but not in the Content Editor, it’s in the Media Library.

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Even in the EE, you’re allowed to search. In that case, the search will be performed from the current item to its descendants.

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Do you remember that I said that I’m a big fan of Desktop Mode, so here’s another reason. It has an interesting search bar at the bottom. You can type in the search box and it performs a search through all the items of the Content Tree. If you click on an item, it redirects you to it.

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This is an interesting one. Basically, you have access to the database and file system which takes your search to another level. Can be helpful for searching physical files, such as the Razor View of some rendering.

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In case you need some custom search or you want the freedom of coding your own search, you can use Sitecore Powershell Extension (SPE) to do it.

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Mastering these small steps can pave the way for significant achievements. By incorporating these tips into your daily workflow, you’ll not only become a more efficient developer but also set yourself on the path to achieving big goals in your Sitecore journey.

🤝I hope I have given you wonderful insights! See you!

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